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5 Health Insurance Tips for Men

Prostate cancer, heart disease, and sports-related injuries. Does health insurance cover them all?
Last update:
19th August 2024
Reviewed by a licensed advisor
boy, grandpa, and dad laughing at laptop
boy, grandpa, and dad laughing at laptop
Prostate cancer, heart disease, and sports-related injuries. Does health insurance cover them all?
Last update: 19th August 2024

Did you know? Women are more likely than men to see a doctor – and also more likely to have private health insurance. A 2021 survey by the Hong Kong government’s census department found that 15.7% of women had seen a doctor in the 30 days before the survey was taken, compared with 12.5% of men.

The survey also found that 47.9% of men and 51.5% of women were covered by individually purchased health insurance. The gender disparity was also pronounced during the reproductive years. For the 25-34 age group, 15.5% of men compared with 16.3% of women had private health insurance; for the 35-44 age group, those rates were 18.5% for men vs. 20% for women.

These findings are consistent with research conducted in the United Kingdom and the United States. But why do men appear to be less concerned about their health than women, even after you remove consultations for reproductive reasons as a factor?

There is no shame in taking care of your health. And the best way to do that is with health insurance. Without further ado, here are Alea’s top 5 health insurance tips for men.

1. Health insurance covers screenings and treatments for prostate cancer and heart disease

In Hong Kong, some of the biggest threats to men’s health are cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease (e.g., stroke). But did you know that health insurance plans cover routine screenings, cancer screenings, and surgery and treatment for cancer and heart disease? (Provided that they aren’t pre-existing conditions.)

Prostate cancer was the fourth most common cancer among males in Hong Kong in 2021. Fortunately, screening and treatment for prostate and other types of cancer are covered by health insurance. Medical insurance plans have a Cancer Treatment or Oncology Benefit that covers – up to an annual maximum limit – chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, medicine and drugs, and diagnostic scans and tests.

Consultations with a cardiologist, neurosurgeon, or neurologist are also covered by insurance and reimbursed under Doctor Specialist fees. Surgical procedures such as angioplasty are covered under Inpatient Benefits, and rehabilitation, for example following a stroke, is usually covered under Outpatient Benefits. Just make sure to check the sub-limits; most high-end and expat medical plans will reimburse specialist consultations and surgical fees in full with no sub-limit, but for local plans, sub-limits may apply. It’s a good idea to check the policy’s terms and conditions to understand the extent of coverage.

2. Expat health insurers cover mental healthcare

A recent AON and TELUS Health research indicates that 39% of employees in Hong Kong feel unsettled and nervous and are at high risk of anxiety, depression and burnout. 51% of the respondents stated they would be concerned that their career options would be limited if their workplace was aware of their mental health issue.

Unfortunately, social stigma around talking about mental health remains – especially for men, which makes them less likely to talk about anxiety and depression. To make matters worse, men also face pressure from the gender stereotype that they should be the primary breadwinner in their family.

There is a glimmer of hope, however. As reported by Alea this year, many insurers – with international insurance companies leading the way – are extending their coverage beyond psychiatry to include psychological consultations and counseling. International health insurance plans, which are tailored for expats, provide comprehensive coverage for psychiatric and psychological care under Inpatient and Outpatient Benefits (with certain caps and sub-limits).

Local health insurance plans remain somewhat behind when it comes to covering mental healthcare, usually only covering psychiatric care.

3. A “top-up” insurance plan can protect your spouse and kids and give you coverage in more territories

If you have employee health benefits, a top-up plan can supplement your coverage if you find your employer-provided coverage lacking. For example, let’s say your work medical insurance doesn’t cover your wife and children. With a top-up plan, you can get coverage for your children and your kids.

What’s more, if you’re thinking about having a baby, you can add a Maternity Benefit to your top-up plan. Although childbirth in one of Hong Kong’s public hospitals is not expensive (for Hong Kong residents), many women still opt for the “shared care” or “half-half” route, seeking prenatal services from private healthcare providers and giving birth in a public hospital. That’s because the public system is busy, and you would be lucky to spend more than five minutes with the midwife or obstetrician at each visit. With a private doctor, on the other hand, you can spend much more time with your obstetrician, getting your questions answered and going over your birth plan with them in great detail.

Note, however, that maternity insurance usually has a waiting period during which you cannot claim insurance for any maternity-related treatment or services your spouse receives.

Another benefit of a top-up plan is you can get coverage in more areas of the world. For example, let’s say your employee health benefits only cover you in Asia, but you’d also like to have coverage in your country of origin because you travel back often to see family and friends. A top-up plan can expand your area of insurance coverage to include the places you visit most, so you’re protected no matter where you are in the world.

Ready to take charge of your health with insurance?

4. Playing soccer could bring down your premiums

If the cost of insurance premiums is a concern, there are some things you can do that can help you save money. For one thing, the best time to get private health insurance is when you’re still young and healthy. This way, you can lock into the right coverage at a lower premium. Because the older you are, the more likely it is that you will have health conditions that might expose you to a higher risk of policy exclusions or more expensive premiums.

Although it’s impossible to control risk factors such as age and family medical history, there is something you can control: your behavior. By striving for a healthy lifestyle, not only can you improve your health, but you might also, by extension, be able to bring down your insurance premiums.

So, if you’re a smoker, quit. (Smokers pay higher insurance premiums than non-smokers.) If you regularly indulge in drinking large amounts of alcohol, try drinking in moderation instead, because alcohol consumption increases health risks like high blood pressure and heart problems.

Remember also to eat nutritious foods and get regular exercise. Not only is exercise a fun way to strengthen your heart and lower your blood pressure, it also reduces stress, anxiety and feelings of depression. Hong Kong offers many recreational sport activities, such as dragon boat, dodgeball, Ultimate frisbee, indoor bouldering, road running, trail running, hiking, basketball, and soccer, to name a few. Participating in recreational sports is also a great way to meet people and enrich your social life.

5. Off-piste skiing and mountaineering are probably not covered by health insurance

Although getting regular exercise is essential to staying healthy, take note: most health insurance plans do not cover high-risk activities and extreme sports. Your insurance policy will cover injuries related to recreational sports like soccer or running. But if you enjoy motosports, off-piste skiing, free-climbing, bungee jumping, scuba diving, and other dangerous activities, you might want to buy sports insurance, because your medical insurance plan won’t cover injuries or accidents related to these sports.

Sports-related injuries are usually only covered if you do not participate in a professional manner and if the sport is not considered hazardous. You’ll want to check the terms of your health insurance policy very carefully to see what sports are excluded, because insurance providers have their own ways of assessing the risks and dangers of different activities.

For example, some insurers won’t cover scuba diving at all, while others will cover scuba diving up to a depth of 30 meters and if you hold the appropriate PADI qualification or are accompanied by a PADI instructor. If reading over the policy terms still leaves you scratching your head over what sports are covered and what sports are not, you can always check with your insurance broker or advisor to get peace of mind.

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This article was independently written by Alea and is not sponsored. It is informative only and not intended to be a substitute for professional advice and should never be relied upon for specific advice.